Jan 20 – 22, 2003
UTC timezone
The Geant4 particle transport toolkit was first released in 1998. In the years since, space and astrophysics have become a significant user category, with requirements ranging from instrument and detector response verification to radiation shielding optimisation, component effects, support of scientific studies, and analysis of biological effects. ESA continues to actively sponsor new European developments and applications of Geant4 in these various domains, and significant space user groups also exist in the U.S., in Japan, and elsewhere in the world.

The aim of this Forum is to give an overview on Geant4 capabilities from space applications and developments point of view, and to bring together Geant4 users across the space domain. The event will accordingly consist of a one-day Geant4 tutorial, followed by two days of users' presentations and discussion. Topics of the Forum include
  • Emerging requirements in space electronics and Science detector systems
  • Implications of IT trends (software, hardware, networks, GRID)
  • Recent developments in the simulation of hadronic and electromagnetic physics
  • Other Geant4-related generic developments
  • Simulations of future astronaut and aircrew radiation hazards
  • Planetary exploration applications
  • Interface to space environment analysis tools such as SPENVIS
  • Cosmic ray propagation analyses
  • Microdosimetry and other applications on future micro- and nanodevices in space