8 December 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Trends in MBSE and experiences with SysML on Euclid

8 Dec 2016, 09:30
Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr Harold Metselaar (ESA/ESTEC)Mr Jose Lorenzo Alvarez (ESA/ESTEC)


In recent years, the system engineering field is coming to terms with a paradigm shift in the approach for complexity management. Different strategies have been proposed to cope with highly interrelated systems and system of systems. In particular, Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) intends to introduce methodologies for a systematic system definition, development, validation, deployment, operation and decommission, based on logical and visual relationship mapping, rather than traditional ‘document based’ information management. Euclid is the second medium class mission (M2) of the European Space Agency (ESA) Cosmic Vision program. Its primary goal is to determine the nature and distribution of dark matter and dark energy using two main cosmological probes: Weak Lensing (WL) and Galaxy Clustering (GC). Euclid is the first attempt to apply an MBSE approach at mission level for a major science project under development in ESA. The topic of this presentation is two-fold: (1) general trends in MBSE and (2) experiences with SysML on Euclid.

Presentation materials