8 December 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

COMPASS: Future trends and developments

8 Dec 2016, 10:30
Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr Marco Bozzano (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)


COMPASS is a toolset for model-based design of complex aerospace systems. It has been developed, under funding of the European Space Agency, in response to the need of a more formal and comprehensive approach to the problem of system-software co-engineering. A new release of the toolset, COMPASS 3.0, has recently been delivered, consolidating the work done over the last eight years. In this talk, we will summarize the main achievements of COMPASS, and present the roadmap for future developments, which include the integration of COMPASS with other modeling languages and design environments, and the synergy with other ESA-related initiatives such as the TASTE development environment and OSRA (On-board Software Reference Architecture).

Presentation materials