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- Philippe Achilleas (Professor, University of Caen-Normandie and Director, Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law (IDEST))
Tony Azzarelli
(Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, OneWeb)
- Speaker at Keynote Address
- Benjamin Bastida Virgili (Engineer, Space Debris Office, European Space Agency)
- Steve Bochinger (Chief Operating Officer, Euroconsult)
- Marco Ferrazzani (Legal Counsel and Head of the Legal Services Dept., European Space Agency)
- Daniela Genta (Vice-President of Radio Regulatory Affairs, Airbus Defence & Space)
- Yvon Henri (Chief, Space Services Dept., International Telecommunication Union)
- Xavier Lobao (Head of Future Projects, Telecommunications & Integrated Applications, ESA)
- Sergio Marchisio (ECSL Chairman and Professor, Sapienza University of Rome)
- Sarah Moens (Crowell & Moring LLP)
- Philippe Montpert (Managing Director, Willis)
- Neta Palkovitz (Legal Adviser, ISIS Innovative Solutions in Space BV)
- Amar SAIDANI (French National Frequencies Agency)
- Alexander Soucek (Lawyer, International Law Division, ESA)
- Frans Von der Dunk (ECSL Practitioners' Forum Coordinator and Professor, Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law)
- Joanne Wheeler (Partner, Bird & Bird)
Jan Woerner
(Director General of the European Space Agency)
- Speaker at Welcome to the European Space Agency