17 March 2017
European Space Agency HQ
Europe/Paris timezone
The Practitioners' Forum is an annual event organised by the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), part of the European Space Agency (ESA). Since 1992, this event has brought together stakeholders from across the space industry - including lawyers, academic experts, policymakers, government representatives, engineers as well as those from the insurance and finance communities - to network and exchange on topical areas of law and policy relevant to the space sector. In recent years, this well-attended event has addressed topics such as export control, the governance of space activities in Europe and the exploitation of space resources. The 2017 Forum will be centred around the topic of The Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Mega-Constellations. It will feature presentations from legal experts as well as representatives from industry and institutions like ESA. Subjects to be addressed will include the market impact of mega-constellations, insurance, spectrum management and analyses in the context of national and international space law. This event is open to ECSL Members for the year 2017. It is advisable to become a member in advance of the event to have your place confirmed. The deadline to register is Friday 10 March 2017. Further information on how to become a member is available on the ECSL website: www.esa.int/ecsl For any queries on the Forum or how to become a Member, please contact the ECSL Executive Secretary Nicholas Puschman at ecsl@esa.int
European Space Agency HQ
Room A
European Space Agency 8-10 rue Mario Nikis 75015 Paris France