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18–19 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Next Generation SubMillimter Wave Focal Plane Array Coupling Concepts

18 Oct 2018, 09:40


Dr Trappe Neil (Maynooth University)


In this activity, we develop novel focal plane detector pixels for the next generation CMB B mode detection missions. Such future mission designs will require focal plane pixel technologies that optimizes the coupling from telescope optics to the large number of detectors required to reach the sensitivities required to measure the faint CMB polarization traces. As part of an ESA Technical Research Programme (TRP) programme we are tasked with developing, manufacturing and experimentally verifying a prototype multichroic pixel which would be suitable for the large focal plane arrays to reduce the focal plane size requirement. The concept of replacing traditional single channel pixels with multi frequency pixels will be a key driver in future mission design and the ability to couple radiation effectively over larger bandwidths (30 -100%) is a real technical challenge. In the initial part of the programme we reviewed the science drivers and this determined the technical specifications of the mission. Various options for focal plane architectures were considered and then after a tradeoff study and review of resources available, a pixel demonstrator was selected for design manufacture and test. The chosen design consists of a novel planar mesh lens coupling to various planar antenna configurations with Resonant Cold Electron Bolometer (RCEB) for filtering and detection of the dual frequency signal. The final cryogenic tests are currently underway and a final performance will be verified for this pixel geometry.

ESA Technical Officer Dr Maarten van der Vorst

Primary author

Dr Trappe Neil (Maynooth University)

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