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18–19 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Novel Investigation in Multipactor Effect in Ferrite and other Dielectrics used in High Power RF Space Hardware

19 Oct 2018, 09:00


Dr Vicente Carlos (AURORASAT (CST/3DS))


Within the frame of this activity we have investigated the multipactor effect when dielectric and ferrite materials are present in a component.

To do so, specific designs have been implemented in order to evaluate the breakdown power level. In addition to that, simulations have been performed in order to determine the ability of numerical techniques to predict the multipactor breakdown levels in such type of components. This has been done in a large bandwidth in order to be able to generate multipactor susceptibility charts of the different dielectric materials investigated (six in total).

ESA Technical Officer David Raboso

Primary author

Dr Vicente Carlos (AURORASAT (CST/3DS))

Presentation materials

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