Optical space sensors and their optionally supporting calibration devices are generally characterised pre-flight and calibrated against an on-ground traceable radiometric reference. However, both instruments and calibration devices are then exposed to space environment and susceptible to radiometric degradations once in operation. This results in a loss of traceability as soon as optical instruments are in operation in space, as they cannot be brought back to the calibration lab to be re-calibrated with respect to a ground reference.
RadCalNet is an initiative of the Working on Calibration and Validation under the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. RadCalNet provides satellite operators with SI-traceable Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) spectrally-resolved reflectances to aid in the post-launch radiometric calibration and validation of optical imaging sensors from a coordinated network of instrumented land-based sites. The free and open access service provides a continuously updated archive of TOA reflectances and associated uncertainties at 10 nm intervals spanning the spectral range 380 nm to 2500 nm at 30 minute intervals from each of its member sites together with guidelines to support in its use. RadCalNet is currently used by more than users and space opeators world wide.
ESA Technical Officer | Marc Bouvet |