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18–19 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Design, production and tests of an Engineering Model of S-band diplexer for CubeSat nanosatellites

19 Oct 2018, 09:50


Mr Robert Stefanski (WiRan Sp. z o. o.)


The design and development of low cost planar S-band diplexers for CubeSats is presented. Technology and topology considerations are discussed in detail. Electrical and mechanical design is presented. Results of BB measurements are presented and discussed. Manufacturing aspects are discussed with reference to final performance. Eventually, CubeSat compatible low cost planar S band diplexer with low losses and high isolation is presented.

ESA Technical Officer Jaione Galdeano

Primary author

Mr Robert Stefanski (WiRan Sp. z o. o.)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.