Tore André Bekkeng
15/05/2018, 09:35
The multi-Needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) instrument delivered under ESA Contract No. 4000109398/13/NL/AK is based on the development of a new Langmuir probe, utilizing the new m-NLP measurement technique which allows for high-resolution F-region plasma (electron) density measurements along the orbit trajectory (gradients, turbulence, irregularities). By this, the F-region plasma characteristics...
Haris Lambropoulos
15/05/2018, 10:15
Marco Povoli
15/05/2018, 10:30
The recent revival of space exploration implies an increased interest in space travels that are associated with many challenges and risks, mostly related to the ever-changing adverse space weather. Radiation of any types can be detrimental to both astronauts and the equipment on-board. The capability of monitoring radiation levels reliably in space is therefore becoming a critical aspect for...
Yulia Bogdanova
15/05/2018, 11:30
Measurements of the energetic particles in the near-Earth space are of crucial importance for space weather research and operations. These measurements are required in order to monitor the health of the spacecraft itself and to mitigate the technological effects of space weather, which are damaging to the satellite electronics and human health. Provision of energetic particle data is required...
Carlos Granja
15/05/2018, 12:00
Eelco Doornbos
(Delft University of Technology)
16/05/2018, 10:00
Magnetic field measurements are an essential tool for space weather and space physics. Many satellite missions carry fluxgate magnetometers, as part of their attitude control subsystem. In this study, we have investigated the feasibility of using data from such non-dedicated magnetometers for space weather use. We have analysed the housekeeping telemetry data from the GOCE and Swarm missions,...