Opening day
Submission deadline
Young scholars and professionals (35 and under) are invited to submit a 500-word abstract on a topic relating to the theme of one of the three panels.
The abstract should give an indication of what the speaker will address in a 10min presentation.
The call for abstracts is now open until the 10st of March 2020 at 24.00 (CET). Abstracts will be selected by Board Members of the ECSL, and we aim to inform selected authors by the 15th of March 2020.
Speakers selected to take part in the Symposium will have 10 minutes for their presentation. Each speaker must also provide an additional 3 talking points for the discussion related to their chosen subject. A discussion will be facilitated by the Chair of the panel after all the speakers have presented.
Selected speakers will be invited to submit a written report of their subject (6-12 pages) which will be published on the ECSL website. These speakers will also be offered assistance and guidance in the publication of their works in academic journals.
Please mention the panel your abstract belong to when submitting your abstract (comments section):
Panel 1: Legality of the use of force in outer space
Panel 2: Legal tools to guarantee space safety
Panel 3: Use of outer space against climate change and environmental crises