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PRACTITIONERS' FORUM 2020 : Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector - Legal and Regulatory Aspects

Press Centre (ESA ESOC, Darmstadt)

Press Centre

ESA ESOC, Darmstadt

    • 09:00 09:30
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: Registration and welcome coffee

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 09:30 09:35
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: Welcome words from ECSL - Chehineze Bouafia, ECSL Executive Secretary

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 09:35 09:40
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: Video message on AI, ESA and space - Johann-Dietrich Wörner, ESA Director General

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 09:40 10:00
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: Setting the scene: what is AI? - Holger Hoos, University of Leiden & CLAIRE Federation of AI Labs

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 10:00 10:30
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: Whistle-stop tour of the legal aspects of AI (common to all sectors): liability, intellectual property, data ownership and processing Fabian Niemann, Bird & Bird Dusseldorf

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 10:30 10:50
      Part I: setting the scene for AI: AI-supported technology - Kim Dressendörfer, IBM

      [Moderator: Nicholas Puschman]
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 10:50 11:10
      Coffee and networking / Display of AI 20m

      ECSL and ESA stand available during the break

    • 11:10 11:30
      Part II: AI and the space sector: The space market and AI: current state, predictions, expectations… - Maxime Puteaux, Euroconsult

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 11:30 11:50
      Part II: AI and the space sector: ESA and AI - Alessandro Donati, ESA Advanced Mission Concepts and Technologies Office

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 11:50 12:10
      Part II: AI and the space sector: Legal aspects of AI in the space sector - Philippe Achilleas, University of Paris-Saclay

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 12:10 12:40
      Part II: AI and the space sector: The view from the space sector: the current opportunities and challenges of AI and space – business, policy, legal and technical considerations moderated by Marco Ferrazzani - Agnieszka Lukaszcyk, Planet - Daniela Genta, Airbus Defence and Space - Ingo Baumann, BHO Legal - Florent Mazurelle, ESA

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman
      Press Center – ESA ESOC

    • 12:40 13:50
      Lunch and networking 1h 10m
    • 13:50 14:10
      Part III: comparative analysis of AI and other sectors – lessons to be learned for space: Regulating AI: the use of AI in the sector of transportation - Romain Melet, AirFrance-KLM

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman

    • 14:10 14:30
      Part III: comparative analysis of AI and other sectors – lessons to be learned for space: Ethical aspects of AI - Cecilia Bonefeld, DigitalEurope, member of the EU HLEG

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman

    • 14:30 14:50
      Part III: comparative analysis of AI and other sectors – lessons to be learned for space: The challenges of AI in other sectors: security - David Sadek, ThalesGroup

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman

    • 14:50 15:20
      Part III: comparative analysis of AI and other sectors – lessons to be learned for space: The uses of AI today and lessons to be learned for the space sector, moderated by Jenni Tapio - Jolanda van Eijndthoven, EU Commission - Sarah Moens, DLA Piper - Holger Krag, ESA

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman

    • 15:20 15:40
      Coffee and networking 20m
    • 15:40 16:40
      Part IV: In-depth mini-workshops- Please select one (1) of the workshops mentioned in the DESCRIPTION to participate in: -

      (i) Minimising risk: contracting and liability - Ingo Baumann, BHO Legal
      (ii) Industrial Partnership for Artificial Intelligence - Ana Garcia Robles, Secretary General BDVA
      (iii)Intellectual property regime in AI-developed products: law and policy - Ioanna Thoma, ESA

    • 16:45 17:00
      Part III: comparative analysis of AI and other sectors – lessons to be learned for space: Q&A, closing remarks - Rolf Densing, ESA Director of Operations and Head of ESOC - Chehineze Bouafia, ECSL Executive Secretary

      Moderator: Nicholas Puschman

    • 17:00 18:00
      Tour of ESOC Facilities 1h

      ESOC Centre of Operations

    • 18:00 19:00
      Cocktail Reception 1h