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GNC V&V Seminar Series



Jeroen Vandersteen (ESA)

This seminar series is a joint Inter-Agency initiative, between ESA/CNES/DLR/NASA & ONERA, to exchange experience and information in Validation and Verification (V&V) techniques for Space Guidance, Navigation and Controls (GNC) Systems, and Attitude and Orbit Control Systems (AOCS).

Please create an indico account (if you do not already have one) and register for the event. After registration approval, you will gain access to the webex details, presentation slides, and previous seminar recordings.

GNC V&V Seminar Series
Additional information
  • Tuesday, 15 September
    • 17:00 17:10
      Welcome & Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Samir Bennani (TEC-ECN)
    • 17:10 18:10
      Verification of beer brewing in space 1h

      This seminar will provide some details on new beer brewing processes, qualified for space. The author will present past experiences and a future outlook. There is time for questions after the presentation.

      Speaker: Jeroen Vandersteen (ESA)