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TEC-EPS Final Presentation Days - June 2021




The TEC-EPS Final Presentation Days, organised by ESA's Space Environments and Effects section, will take place on June 16 and 17, 2021 virtually. The two days will cover recent results from ESA's Space Environment R&D activities on space environment monitor developments and space environment modelling, analysis and simulation tools.


For more information on the activities of TEC-EPS, please visit the section website at

TEC-EPS FP 2021 Registration
  • Wednesday, 16 June
    • 09:30
      Welcome Talk
    • 1
      Modelling of the Electrostatic Environment of Ions Emitting Spacecraft (SPIS-ASPOC)
    • 10:45
      Coffee Break
    • 2
      Development and validation of a contamination package in SPIS for liquid based electric propulsion subsystems for LISA (SPIS-LISA)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • 3
      ROSSINI 3
    • 14:00
      Open Discussion
    • 4
      ATHENA Radiation Environment Models and X-ray Background Effects Simulators (AREMBES)
      Speaker: Claudio Macculi (Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica (INAF))
    • 09:30
      Refresher Welcome Talk
    • 5
      Solar Particle Radiation Advanced Warning System (SAWS) - ASPECS (Advanced Solar Particle Events Casting System)
      Speakers: Dr Anastasios Anastasiadis (National Observatory of Athens: Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing), Athanasios Papaioannou
    • 6
      SpacePix2 / SXRM Miniaturized Spacepix radiation monitor
    • 10:55
      Coffee Break
    • 7
      RadMag D3S: Radiation monitor development for ESA’s D3S hosted payload missions
    • 8
      DPE: Data Processing Engine
    • 9
      MIRAM Miniaturised Radiation Monitor
    • 10
      ARTES EOR Radiation Environment and Solar Array Degradation

      Speakers: Athina Varotsou (TRAD) & Angélica Sicard (ONERA)
      In the frame of this ARTES Project a new proton radiation environment model has been developed and a Solar Array Degradation Calculator (SADC) is being developed to allow for more precise calculation of solar array degradation specific to EOR orbits. During this presentation both developments will be presented with a special emphasis on the proton model developed by ONERA. This model is a global statistical model dedicated to EOR orbit environment specification. OMEP-EOR (ONERA Middle Energy Proton) provides the proton fluxes everywhere in the radiation belts between 30keV and 20MeV. The temporal dynamics of the radiation belt is accounted for at the scale of EOR missions, using a Gaussian Process model.

    • 12:45
      Lunch Break
    • 11
      MIRAD – Micro-Particle Impact Related Attitude Disturbance
      Speaker: Patrik Kärräng (Hyperschall Technologie Göttingen)
    • 12
      Micrometeoroid Risk Assessment Tool for Missions Leaving Earth Orbits
      Speaker: Jens Rodman (Etamax Space GmbH)
    • 13
      Focussing of Micrometeoroids in xray optics
      Speaker: Yanwei Li (University of Stuttgart)
    • 15:15
      Open Discussion
    • 15:30
      Conclude and Thanks