David Sanchez de la Llana
(ESA/Softwares Systems Division)
Activity: TRP
TO: David Sanchez de la Llana/Software Systems Division
The SCOC3 ASIC is a powerful chip developed by Astrium with ESA co-funding. It has a LEON 3 plus 2 x 1553, 2 x CAN, 7 x SPW, 1 x TMTC... It is flight qualified.
The ESA TRP Contract 4000104797 has developed a set of 'flight SW drivers' for the SCOC3. The BSW has passed CDR. Further testing will be completed at ESTEC on the KERTEL board (first quarter 2014).
The product will be put under "ESA Community License, type 3, permissive". This means free usage of BSW and doc for companies of ESA member states in ESA projects.
Use cases comparing the development effort of (SCOC3 + BSW) vs current technologies (LEON2 - AT-697F + FPGAs) in REAL ESA Projects will be presented.
A important potential decrease of SW engineering hours has been detected with usage of (SCOC3 + BSW).