11–12 Dec 2013
UTC timezone

EagleEye Evolution towards Time and Space Partitioning

11 Dec 2013, 14:50
Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2



Mr Victor Bos (Space Systems Finland)


Activity: Laboratory TO: Felice Torelli/Software Systems Division EagleEye is the reference mission implemented within the Avionics Test Bench (ATB) infrastructure to simulate an Earth Observation satellite. This is composed by a set of AOCS sensor/actuators, thermal/power subsystems and a simple optical payload (GoldenEye). The main functions of the satellite are managed by the EagleEye Central Software. The original EagleEye Central Software is designed in a traditional way as a monolithic application and it is characterised by the following main components: • RTEMS RTOS (C language) • RASTA SW Drivers (C language) • SOIS/ECSS-E-ST-50-15C services (C and ADA languages) • TMTC Stack (C language) • OBOSS PUS library (ADA language) • DMS SW (ADA language) • GoldenEye Manager (ADA language) • AOCS SW (C language) EagleEye Central Software supports AT697E processor (LEON2-FT) and can be built to execute on Software Validation Facility and Real-time Test Bench configurations of ATB. In this activity the consortium led by SSF and composed by Bright Ascension, FentISS and UPM ported the Central Software to LEON3 processor and refactored it as a time and space partitioned system. The upgraded Central Software is based on XtratuM hypervisor, Edisoft RTEMS and ORK+, and it is composed by the following partitions: 1. AOCS partition (single thread, C language, XAL run-time); 2. DMS partition (multi thread, ADA language, ORK+); 3. I/O partition (multi thread, C language, RTEMS); 4. GoldenEye partition (multi thread, ADA language, ORK+); 5. FDIR partition ((single thread, C language, XAL run-time). During this activity the Central Software has been validated in the ATB Software Validation Facility configuration based on TSIM-LEON3. The presentation will provide with an overview of the project, of the new architecture of the Central Software and will highlight the lessons learned during the course of the activity.

Presentation materials