11:30 AM
Grappling and Refuelling Active Solution for Propellants (GRASP) - A Concept for a European Active Side to the RAFTI Open License Interface
Sebastian Hill
(Orbit Fab)
11:45 AM
Minimum invasive refueling coupling, for teleoperated refueling operations.
Charalampos Kosmas
12:00 PM
Development of Modular Robotic System for Servicing and Deorbiting Missions
Dominik Kleszczyński
(PIAP Space)
12:15 PM
Unveiling the Potential of Cooperative Multi-Agent Spacecraft for ADR, IOS, and Cyclic Space Economy
Marek Gebura
(Space scAvengers)
12:30 PM
Extending Ground Segment Products for supporting a large range of In-Orbit Services
Marc Niezette
(Telespazio Germany GmbH)