9–11 Dec 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

XML representation of the SpW network: JAXA R&D examples

10 Dec 2014, 15:25
Newton 1 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands


Dr Takayuki Yuasa (JAXA)


An example of XML representations of constituents of the SpaceWire network, i.e. node, link, and routing switch, is presented. In addition to the static description of a network, the XML format was also used to define data traffic in the network and its time-slot allocation for deterministic network operation; each packet transfer is described by combination a data transfer path, amount of data, and timing definition. The format was defined and implemented in the SpaceWire R&D activities done by JAXA and Nagoya University in 2012-2013, and a prototype of SpaceWire/RMAP middleware was developed and tested to support the XML network description and time-slot-triggered data transfer based on the data traffic definition XML file.

Presentation materials