4th Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering ~ MBSE2023

Newton Conference Area (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton Conference Area


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands
Agnes Mestreau (ESA (TEC-SY)), Joachim Fuchs, Marcel Verhoef (ESA/ESTEC)

The European Space Agency organizes on Thursday 16 November, in collaboration with the MB4SE advisory group, the Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering workshop 2023. This year, it will be a one-day interactive and thematic workshop on “reducing the gap between model-based systems engineering and domain-specific model-based approaches”

We invite systems engineers and domain experts to discuss their ideas, including lessons learned from attempts to bridge this gap, return of experience, hurdles to overcome, identified unresolved issues and open questions at the workshop.

Professor Hans Vangheluwe, full professor at the University of Antwerp and the Flemish Strategic Research Centre Flanders Make, will provide a key-note talk on his experiences on the theory and practice of multi-paradigm modelling and simulation.

Moreover, we have selected five speakers that are invited to present an elevator pitch to challenge the workshop audience to identify ideas on solving the presented issues, and ways to improve the return of investment.

In order to maximize engagement between all participants, the meeting will only be hosted physically at ESTEC (no remote participation possible), in a "world-café" approach. In summary, this means that:

  • an open call for position statements is issued ahead of the workshop,
  • the program committee selects the five most challenging position statements,
  • the selected pitch authors present their position statement at the workshop as a precursor to discussion sessions with all participants,
  • all participants interact with each of the pitch authors in the world-café setting (rotating group discussions),
  • the results from the group discussions are summarized on-the-fly, identifying the main conclusions,
  • overall improvement directions are discussed in a plenary session.

The aim of the workshop is to:

  • identify ways forward for improving the dialogue between all engineering disciplines; this might result in
    • concrete solutions
    • proposals for practical experiments
    • ideas for new research and development
    • directions for further collaboration or harmonization
  • identify topics to include in the call for papers for MBSE 2024, to ensure future follow-up to any of the ways forward


Note that the MBSE 2023 workshop is part of the 17th Workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS2023). In case you would like to attend both events, please be aware that you will have to register to both events separately! Also attending ESA staff needs to register in order to plan the world-café groups. 

Registration is first-come, first served. Priority will be given to members of the MB4SE advisory group, in case of over subscription.

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