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4–5 Nov 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


5 Nov 2014, 11:30
Einstein (ESA / ESTEC)




Dr Peter Beck (Seibersdorf Labor GmbH)


Activity: Strategic Initiative Contractor(s): Seibersdorf Laboratories, Kallisto Consultancy Technical Officer: Petteri Nieminen Summary: The Energetic Electrons Radiation Assessment (E2RAD) study focused on analysis of layered radiation shielding configurations targeted for the Jovian environment. Both experimental irradiations and numerical simulations were carried out for the electron energy of interest (5-50 MeV) and for a range of materials from Aluminum to Tantalum. Two basic configurations, a 2-D shielding layer and a 3-D box geometry, were studied. The most important overall results are that high-Z shielding materials (such as Lead or Tantalum) are preferable to light materials (such as Aluminum) in the Jovian environment, and that in the case of layered materials the order of the layers will make little difference, contrary to e.g. the near-Earth electron radiation environment. Some findings regarding differences between various radiation transport simulation software used in the course of the project are also discussed.

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