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4–5 Nov 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Radiation biological end effects models and interfaces to physics models (BioRad II)

5 Nov 2014, 10:15
Einstein (ESA / ESTEC)




Dr Sebastien Incerti (CNRS)


Activity: TRP Contractor(s): CENBG/CNRS (F, prime), G4AI (UK), INFN (I), NPI (CZ) Technical Officer: Giovanni Santin Summary: Significant risks for the health of crew members induced by space radiation will be encountered in any future human mission to the Moon, Mars or asteroids. Reduction of uncertainties in understanding and modelling of biological end effects induced by space radiation environment has a direct impact on risk assessment capabilities, potentially enabling long duration interplanetary missions, which may now exceed radiation-induced risk limits, and is supporting mission design via improved accuracy in the effectiveness of radiation shielding (passive or active) and mitigation strategies. Experimental activities have also been initiated under Agency framework in the ground-based IBER programme and in the context of biology experiments on the ISS. Computational tools have been or are being developed that can predict the radiation "field" (particles, spectra, fluxes) within shielding and the body. The capabilities of nanoscale modelling in terms of prediction of effects ("biological end-points") still need however to be enhanced by establishing links to physical and chemical processes at cell and molecular levels, derivation of parameters that can be correlated to experimental biological observables, micro- and macroscopic statistical models (cell mortality, etc.), and overall risk assessment, and also need further validation against experimental data and improved ease of use. This activity developed advanced modelling capabilities to analyse in detail radiation biological end effects. Models are consistent with probable future adoption of radiation protection hazard parameters - alternatives to dose equivalent - that are under development. Comparisons and verifications of the models with macroscopic approaches and experimental data from the ISS and ground-based studies under the IBER programme and elsewhere were performed.

Presentation materials