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4–5 Nov 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Compact hot plasma monitor (HOPE-M)

Not scheduled
Einstein and ESCAPE (ESA / ESTEC)

Einstein and ESCAPE


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands


Activity: TRP Contractor(s): MSSL/UCL Technical Officer: David Rodgers Summary: The objective of this activity was to design and breadboard a compact lightweight hot plasma monitor to perform electron and ion spectrometry in the range 30eV-30 keV. This energy range covers the higher energy electrons that cause high-voltage charging and lower energy electrons that reduce charging by secondary electron emission. Ions (principally protons) are also measured because they allow one to see the level of high voltage spacecraft charging and because of the close coupling of electron and ion dynamics. The activity resulted in the production of a design and a breadboard version of the monitor. The breadboard monitor was tested with both electron and ion sources in order to demonstrate that the performance of the monitor and to provide a characterisation of the instrument across the entire energy range. In addition a design of a flight model was created and a roadmap for the production and flight qualification of a flight unit was produced.

Presentation materials

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