Ingmar Sandberg
Activity: TAS
Contractor(s): IAASARS (GR) & P. Buehler (A)
Technical Officer: Hugh Evans
ESA/ESTEC has developed and flown two generations of space radiation monitors: REM and SREM. The first generation, REM, was developed in the early ‘90s and flown on the STRV-1B and MIR space station. From the experience with this instrument, the SREM was developed and 10 units manufactured. SREM units have provided data on STRV-1C, PROBA-1, Integral, Rosetta, Giove-B, Herschel, and Planck. The instruments have been very well closely calibrated, allowing for easy comparisons of results from different regions of the magnetosphere and heliosphere. The data from the SREMs has been collected and processed by PSI and P. Buehler, providing regular count rate dataset updates in CDF format to the PSI SREM web site.
This activity will consolidate the SREM dataset processing chains, cross calibrate the SREM flux data by comparison with other radiation measuring instruments, e.g. RBSP/Mageis and RBSP/REPT, and provide a review of the SREM radiation monitoring activity from instrument design to production of flux data and provision to the general public.