Emmanuel Gaudin
Eric Brunel
Activity: Lab Investment
ESA TO: Maxime Perrotin - Software Systems Division
The Specification and Description Language (SDL) is an international standard designed to describe communicating systems in an unambiguous way. The language includes high level graphical view as well as an action language and a semantic of execution. That allows to describe with the required level of detail the dynamic behaviour of a model, leaving out of the description any ambiguity. Native support of ASN.1 data types in SDL allows to share data description with other types of models, and guarantees static compatibility between the different elements.
The use of SDL in TASTE to describe the behaviour of architectural elements raises the level of description to a new level. By extension it opens the door to simulation, verification, model checking, test, and test generation. Once the element is verified, the support of ASN.1 guarantees interoperability with the description of other elements.
In this presentation, the SDL principles will be presented and illustrated with the new TASTE SDL editor. The set of related tools will then be presented and demonstrated including simulation, trace generation, test generation and model checking.