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3–5 Feb 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

PETIT - Compact High-PErformance Filters for Space applicaTIon based on Dielectric Resonator Technology

Not scheduled
Einstein Aj033 (ESA/ESTEC)

Einstein Aj033


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Luca Pelliccia (RF Microtech Srl, Italy)


Goal of the project is to reduce mass and volume of L- and S-band input filters using dielectric resonator technology. Large and bulky coaxial resonators are currently used in the realization of filters for such applications. While dielectric resonators can reduce the filter footprint up to 50%, an optimum trade-off in terms of spurious performance, temperature stability and unloaded Q-factor (Q) must be found. High dielectric permittivity (εr > 30) dielectric resonators operating with TM010 mode represent the best trade-off in terms of volume, spurious-free range and Q-factor. A dielectric 4th order bandpass filter has been designed in S-band to achieve this objective. The fractional bandwidth is 1.5% and the IL is 0.25-0.3 dB, corresponding to an unloaded Q above 4000. The filter dimensions are approximately 50x50x40 mm (including connectors). A stable response over a temperature variation between -10°C and +65°C has been demonstrated and mechanical studies and optimization in ANSYS have been done in order to improve the upper temperature limit. High power Corona and Multipactor tests have been carried out, showing interesting and promising results mainly for TT&C applications. In addition, the full-wave design of an L-band diplexer employing the TM010 dielectric resonators has been proposed.

Primary author

Mr Luca Pelliccia (RF Microtech Srl, Italy)


Mrs Ambar E. A. Famiglietti (Spacesys Srl, Italy) Mr Fabrizio Cacciamni (RF Microtech Srl, Italy) Mr Giorgio Perrotta (Spacesys Srl, Italy) Mr Guido Arista (Elital Srl, Italy) Dr Roberto Sorrentino (RF Microtech Srl, Italy)

Presentation materials