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Integrated Tool for Reflector Antenna Design, Antenna Farm Scattering, and Interference Prediction (ARTES 5.2, 600 k€)

18 Feb 2015, 15:00
Newton 2 meeting room (Estec/ESA)

Newton 2 meeting room



Dr Erik Jorgensen (TICRA)


Telecommunication satellite reflector antennas are typically designed using the reflector antenna design tool, GRASP, which provides an accurate analysis of the isolated reflector antenna performance. The analysis of the antenna performance in presence of the spacecraft platform and assessment of interference and coupling effects can in GRASP only be performed using a simplistic model of the platform, and consequently the antenna designer is forced to perform the detailed platform scattering analysis in other tools. In this activity, we have developed an add-on to GRASP with multiple novel analysis techniques, that will allow the antenna designer to model the influence of the satellite platform as an inherent part of the antenna design in GRASP. The new analysis techniques include high-frequency asymptotic methods as well as a fast and robust full-wave solver, which is ideally suited for accurate solution of electrically large and complex scattering problems. In addition, substantially improved facilities for creating geometrically complex models have been developed, including the ability to import and analyse CAD models directly in GRASP.

Presentation materials