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26–28 Aug 2015
Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

CIRSOS - Collaborative Iterative Radiation Shielding Optymisation System

28 Aug 2015, 10:15
Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima, Japan


Mr Sergio Ibarmia (INTA)


The CIRSOS system is an ESA funded R&D project aimed to develop a full radiation simulation framework in order to help S/C and P/L engineers through a SW system that: - Efficiently supports collaborative and iterative radiation analyses - Provides interfaces with industrial radiation design tools - Allows end-to-end radiation simulation, starting from the definition of the high energy particle environment, performing particle propagation through complex 3D geometrical models (via Geant4) and ending with deep dielectric charging effects modelling (via SPIS) Some of the most relevant advantages of CIRSOS for the radiation community include: - A user-friendly GUI to manage the entire system - A database controlled geometry managing - Material properties built-in databases - High-energy radiation and charging simulation capabilities (independent or coupled) - Parametric Geant4 analyses - Interface to SPENVIS and OMERE environment tools - Interface to FASTRAD and ESABASE2 modelling tools - Parallel simulation on multiple host / multiple processor - Built-in post-processing tools - Built-in geometry visualization tools

Primary authors

Dr Daniel Heynderickx (DH Consultancy BVBA) Dr Fan Lei (RadMod Research) Dr Giovanni Santin (ESA) Dr Guilhem Chanteperdrix (Airbus Defence and Space) Dr Jean-François Roussel (ONERA) Dr Karl Dietrich Bunte (etamax space GmbH) Mr Laurent Desorgher Desorgher (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Pete Truscott (Kallisto Consultancy Ltd) Mr Sergio Ibarmia (INTA)

Presentation materials