Radiation effects & single event effects
- Sergio Ibarmia (INTA)
Mark Looper
(The Aerospace Corporation)
28/08/2015, 11:10
Geant4 is a vital tool for understanding and calibrating the response of space-borne radiation sensors at The Aerospace Corporation. In the year since the last Geant4 Space Users' Workshop, we have focused on using the code to continue improving our understanding of the response, both foreground and background, of sensors aboard the Van Allen Probes and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). ...
Robert Reed
(Vanderbilt University)
28/08/2015, 11:35
The sudden closure of the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility (IUCF) has forced the space community to evaluate alternate medical proton cancer therapy center cyclotrons for single event effects (SEE) test in the 200 MeV regime. These new facilities offer increased reliability well adapted to medical needs, but create scheduling and technical challenges for those adapted to IUCF. A team of...