SpW Evolutions II: SpaceFibre
- Martin Suess (ESA/ESTEC)
This session will be dedicated to the development of the SpaceFibre protocol.
Steve Parkes
(University of Dundee)
23/09/2015, 16:00
SpW Evolutions including ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1, SpW Handbook, SpaceFibre and SpW 2
The SpaceFibre standard has now started the formal ECSS approval process with a working group set up to refine the current standard specification. This presentation will outline the current state of the SpaceFibre standard.
Yuriy Sheynin
23/09/2015, 17:00
SpW Evolutions including ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1, SpW Handbook, SpaceFibre and SpW 2
The SpaceFibre QoS defines VC Bandwidth Credit and the VC Available Bandwidth is measured for SpaceFibre links. We consider Available Bandwidth calculation rules in case of transient faults and frames retransmission and propose clarification for the SpaceFibre specification draft.