22 October 2015
UTC timezone


COMPASS provides a wide range of techniques for the design and analysis of system safety and reliability, whose applicability has already been demonstrated in several case studies. The objective of the workshop is to understand how to bring these promising results to higher technology readiness levels. We would like to interact with the audience to identify hurdles of introducing COMPASS in industrial practice, and discuss and explore ways these hurdles can be taken or circumvented, with potential solutions both in technology as well as process.
The workshop organizers welcome attendance from ESA, national space agencies, industry and academia, in particular new potential users or new contributors to this initiative. Questions that we would like to discuss at the workshop include:

Is the modeling language adequate? Which forms of analysis are missing, or should be improved? Is the process covering all the phases? Can the toolset be applied in the large? Should it be extended to other input languages?

Ideally, the workshop will result in a list of ideas and insights that will help to define the roadmap and policies for the future developments and deployment of the COMPASS toolset.