christophe Koppel
(KopooS Consulting Ind.)
The modelling becomes year after year a priority for each agency, each company in order to better foresee the features of space devices and spacecrafts. The paper presents a flight dynamic tool so-called "TriaXOrbitaL", freely distributed as promotional release, that has been used since 1989 with continuous improvements for constellation design, North-South station keeping manoeuvre, orbit transfers GTO or better Super-GTO to GEO, interplanetary flight and travel to Moon. The tool has been fully focused on electric propulsion long thrust arcs but can manage as well of course chemical propulsion shorter arcs. The tool is accessible and has been used by engineers or students. The main advantage of using such tool is for sure a simplification of the preliminary studies because the tool has been developed for being accessible for every engineer willing to improve his knowledge in the orbital manoeuvres field. But one of the drawbacks when using such tools is to be able to state about the validity and accuracy of the results provided by the tool. Since the beginning of its development, a great care has been taken with respect to the fundamental checks of the tool. Hence the paper exhibits some of the tests performed in order to reproduce the "every body know" specific behaviors of the flight dynamic: for example the evolution of the GEO due to real Sun, Moon and earth potential perturbations (J2) with inclination up to 15° for 54 years; the stability of the Earth-Moon Lagrangian point L2, and several other checks. The description of the tests performed may constitute a good starting point for using the tool and for the knowledge of its features.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
christophe Koppel
(KopooS Consulting Ind.)