14–17 Mar 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
"Orbiting Towards the Future"

Many-Revolution Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer Computation using Equinoctial Q-Law Including J2 and Eclipse Effects

17 Mar 2016, 12:00
2.02 Chromium (Darmstadtium)

2.02 Chromium


Oral presentation at the conference 06: Low Thrust Low Thrust (II)


Mr Gabor Varga (ESOC, HSO-GFA)


Mission designers addressing the computation of low-thrust many-revolution transfers need versatile and reliable tools for solving the problem with efficient computational times. This paper proposes a Lyapunov feedback control method, Q-law by Petropoulos with algorithm modifications to accommodate for the singularities in the original equations and to include the most relevant perturbations, such as the J2 perturbation and the effect of coasting during eclipse periods. The optimization of the control-law parameters via a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (NSGA-II) improves the results significantly and permits to easily compute the minimum time transfer and a well-spread Pareto front, trading transfer time versus propellant.
Applicant type First author

Primary author

Mr Gabor Varga (ESOC, HSO-GFA)


Presentation materials