Marc Costa
(Telespazio VEGA UK SL for ESA)
ESA has a number of science missions under development and in operation that are dedicated to the study of our Solar System (i.e. MEX, Rosetta, ExoMars, BepiColombo, Solar Orbiter and JUICE). The Science Operations Centres for these missions, located at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain, are responsible for all science operations planning, data processing and archiving tasks, being the essential interface between the science instruments and the spacecraft, and with the scientific community. From the concept study phase to the day-to-day science operations, these missions produce and use auxiliary data (spacecraft orbital state information, attitude, event information and relevant spacecraft housekeeping data) to assist science planning, data processing, analysis and archiving.
SPICE is an information system that uses auxiliary data to provide Solar System geometry information to scientists and engineers for planetary missions in order to plan and analize scientific observations from space-born instruments. SPICE was originally developed and maintained by the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) team of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA).
This article outlines the different set of tools that are dedicated to geometry handling, visualisation and analysis software using SPICE from mission concept development though the entire analysis of mission data for ESA planetary missions.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
Marc Costa
(Telespazio VEGA UK SL for ESA)