Computation of low thrust orbits in any given mission arc; Optimal trajectories involving low thrust; Low Thrust Transfer to LEO and GEO; Comparison of Electric and chemical Propulsion trajectories; Design and optimization of low thrust orbit transfers; Low thrust station keeping; Low thrust orbital transfers in the Two-Body problem
Ravishankar Mathur
(Emergent Space Technologies, Inc.)
17/03/2016, 10:20
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
The NASA CubeQuest Challenge offers a launch on the 2018 Exploration Mission 1 (EM1) to competing teams who can demonstrate a high probability of success for a 6U CubeSat design. The selected competitors will have their CubeSat disposed into a high-energy lunar flyby trajectory soon after EM1 launch. If the CubeSat remains ballistic, the lunar flyby will eject it from the Earth-Moon system,...
Nathan Parrish
(University of Colorado Boulder)
17/03/2016, 10:40
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
This paper presents a study of transfers between distant retrograde orbits (DRO’s) and L2 halo orbits in the Earth-Moon system that could be flown by a spacecraft with solar electric propulsion (SEP). Pseudo-spectral optimal control is used to optimize these highly non-linear transfers. Similar types of transfers that have been studied in the literature include: from Earth orbit to Moon orbit...
Ilia Nikolichev
(Moscow Aviation Institute)
17/03/2016, 11:00
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
The possibility of using the method of dual numbers in automatic differentiation for solving optimization problems of the low-thrust multi-revolution orbital transfers is considered. Traditionally the motion equations for the spacecraft with electric propulsion for multi-revolution orbital transfers are written in osculating elements or their modifications which exclude the special features in...
MIn Thein
(Moscow Aviation Institute)
17/03/2016, 11:20
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
The problems of joint optimization of the main design parameters of electric propulsion, power supply systems and trajectory of the spacecraft is considered in two formulations: minimum-thrust problem and maximum payload mass problem under the optimal parameters of the electric propulsion system (thrust, exhaust velocity, power).
The first problem allows solving one of the fundamental...
Sven Schaeff
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
17/03/2016, 11:40
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
Telecommunication satellites located in the Geostationary Equatorial Orbit (GEO) are typically not directly placed there by the launch vehicle. The satellites are often injected in a Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) and then transferred to the GEO using their own onboard propulsion system. State of the art for the GTO to GEO transfer is still the chemical propulsion.
Just recently few...
Gabor Varga
17/03/2016, 12:00
06: Low Thrust
Oral presentation at the conference
Mission designers addressing the computation of low-thrust many-revolution transfers need versatile and reliable tools for solving the problem with efficient computational times. This paper proposes a Lyapunov feedback control method, Q-law by Petropoulos with algorithm modifications to accommodate for the singularities in the original equations and to include the most relevant perturbations,...