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November 24, 2017
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Artificial Intelligence for Space

"Challenges and state-of-the-art of neural network verification" by fortiss GmbH

Nov 24, 2017, 11:45 AM
Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1, AG2200 Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Neural Networks Control Systems Session 2


Georg Nührenberg (fortiss GmbH)


The deployment of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in critical missions poses a number of new verification challenges. In particular, for ANN-enabled perception and control it is important to establish properties about the resilience of ANNs to noisy or even maliciously manipulated sensory input. Furthermore, given interpretability of the inputs and outputs of an ANN, certain safety properties can be verified. This talk summarizes the current state of the art of measuring the resilience and verifying safety properties of ANNs. We show the possibilities for application as well as future research challenges.

Primary author

Georg Nührenberg (fortiss GmbH)

Presentation materials