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10–12 Apr 2017
Europe/London timezone

Collaborative Iterative Radiation Shielding Optimisation System – CIRSOS

11 Apr 2017, 16:05


Dr Fan Lei (RadMod Research, On behalf of the CIRSOS team)


CIRSOS is an integrated modelling environment (IME) for radiation effects analysis in space mission developments. It provides a complete set of models and tools required for a mission radiation effects analysis at different phases of its developments from conception to operation. It was initially developed in support of the ESA Cosmic Version programme, the JUICE mission in particular. It will also be used as a baseline tool in the background modelling framework for the ATHENA mission. This talk will introduce the overall design of CIRSOS, its main components and features.

Primary author

Dr Fan Lei (RadMod Research, On behalf of the CIRSOS team)

Presentation materials