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10–12 Apr 2017
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Recent updates on Geant4 physics validation for ESA AREMES project

11 Apr 2017, 13:40


Dr Paolo Dondero (SWHARD SRL)


During the passed year a detailed Geant4 physics validation review and new verification studies were performed within the ESA AREMBES project. Several electromagnetic and hadronic models were addressed, focusing in particular on the space related physics. The low energy proton and electron scattering was considered, comparing the condensed history algorithms with respect to the single scattering approach results for several materials and incidence angles. Simulations of soft proton energy loss in matter were performed with different electromagnetic standard physics lists and compared with respect to theoretical expectations. Moreover standard Geant4 hadronic physics list were compared looking at space applications. In the present contribution an overview of the whole study described above will be given, focusing on the new results important for the space community on soft protons and electron backscattering. Finally the conclusions on the Geant4 physics coming from those results will be summarized.

Primary authors

Dr Alfonso Mantero (SWHARD SRL) Dr Paolo Dondero (SWHARD SRL)

Presentation materials