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10–12 Apr 2017
Europe/London timezone

Geant4-based tools in SPENVIS

11 Apr 2017, 15:40


Dr Neophytos Messios (BIRA-IASB)


For some time now, various Geant4 applications have been employed for the planning of space and planetary exploration missions and the significance of such tools has been also reflected in the evolution of the web-based ESA Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS, SPENVIS has been providing interfaces to various Geant4-based tools that can be used for a number of applications including instrument and detector response verification, space radiation shielding optimisation, component effects, support of scientific studies to the analysis of biological effects and astronaut radiation hazards. The follow on system, known as SPENVIS Next Generation, has been under development under the ESA/GSTP-5 programme. The key objective is to upgrade SPENVIS into a new web-based service-oriented distributed framework, supporting plug-in of models related to the hazardous space environment, and including both a user-friendly interface for rapid analysis and a machine-to-machine interface for interoperability with other software tools. As with its predecessor the new system will provide access to Geant4 tool such as GRAS (3D radiation analysis), MULASSIS (1D radiation analysis), GEMAT (micro-dosimetry), SSAT (shielding distribution), MC-SCREAM (NIEL effects in solar cells), MAGNETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray rigidity) and PLANETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray showers). In addition, the new system provides new ways for exploring these tools. Finally, the latest versions of the tools (compiled with Geant4.10) will be interfaced as they become available. The purpose of this talk is to present the recent progress in SPENVIS related to the Geant4 tools but also to introduce SPENVIS-NG and its capabilities to the Geant4 space user community with particular emphasis for the model developers.

Primary author

Dr Neophytos Messios (BIRA-IASB)


Dr Hugh Evans (ESTEC/TEC-EPS) Dr Michel Kruglanski (BIRA-IASB) Mr Stijn Calders (BIRA-IASB) Mr Vincent Letocart (BIRA-IASB)

Presentation materials