Pierre Pourrouquet
08/03/2017, 09:30
Different types of detectors are used for the TID calculation based on the RMC method: points and volumes. The impact of their location, their dimensions and their shape has been studied taking into account different geometric models with an increasing complexity. The impact depends on the particle environment and on whether the detector is located inside or at the surface of the spacecraft.
Pierre Pourrouquet
08/03/2017, 09:50
Different types of shielding geometry are considered as input for a TNID sector analysis calculation: sphere and slab. TNID calculations using the Reverse Monte Carlo method have also been performed. Analysis of the results allows to make recommendations on the choice of the calculation method based on the complexity of the radiation model.
Françoise BEZERRA
08/03/2017, 10:10
08/03/2017, 10:15
A brief overwiew of on-going actions, an example of harmonized R&D.
Nicolas Sukhaseum
08/03/2017, 10:35
The aim of this study is to investigate the proton direct ionization sensitivity of integrated circuits. This work includes the development of a calculation methodology to assess the direct ionization contribution to the proton SEE rate, the experimental characterization of a 45nm CMOS SRAM-based FPGA under low energy proton, as well as the space environment and calculation parameter impact on...
Pierre Pourrouquet
08/03/2017, 11:20
TRADCARE (Tool for RADiation Constraints Analysis and Reliability Enhancement) is a tool allowing to predict SEE sensitivity of ASIC during its design phase. It is composed of interchangeable modules for each calculation step, starting from the whole IC design up to the SEE reliability prediction. Application cases will be presented.
Pierre Pourrouquet
08/03/2017, 11:45
The evolution in the microelectronic field leads to the presence of high Z materials close to the sensitive volume of electronic components. Through interactions with highly energetic protons, as is the case in irradiation facilities or in space, recoil atoms can reach these sensitive volumes with high LET. Based on worst case hypotheses, this study showed the presence of high LET recoil...
Françoise BEZERRA
(CNES), Ms
Natalie Chatry
08/03/2017, 12:05
Status on the various actions on this subject and latest results
Nicolas Sukhaseum
08/03/2017, 12:25
This study is based on the work of Kay et al. [2012][2013] and investigates the effects of preliminary multiple write cycles on the radiation hardness of NAND Flash memories. This work includes the experimental characterization of 2 references under TID and heavy ions, and the test data post-treatment and analysis.
Françoise BEZERRA
08/03/2017, 12:45
This contribution will focus on recent prospective actions on « new » test facilities, e.g. 6-20 MeV electrons at Carcassonne Hopital, France, CHARM (CERN), new ion cocktail at UCL, etc…
Thierry Nuns
08/03/2017, 14:30
Marco Pinto
08/03/2017, 15:10
Nicolas Sukhaseum
08/03/2017, 15:30
Pierre Garcia
08/03/2017, 16:10
françois-xavier guerre
(hirex engineering)
08/03/2017, 16:40
Bendy Tanios
08/03/2017, 17:00
Carlos Urbina Ortega
08/03/2017, 17:30
09/03/2017, 09:00
Michael Wind
(Seibersdorf Laboratories)
09/03/2017, 09:20
Michael Steffens
(Fraunhofer INT)
09/03/2017, 09:40
Lionel SALVY
09/03/2017, 10:00
Heikki Kettunen
(University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics), Mr
Laurent Standaert
(Université catholique de Louvain), Dr
Wojtek Hajdas
09/03/2017, 10:20
Nicolas Sukhaseum
09/03/2017, 11:10
Pierre Garcia
09/03/2017, 11:30
Jeffrey Chuan
(Thales Alenia Space España)
09/03/2017, 12:00
Adrian Evans
(IROC Technologies)
09/03/2017, 12:20
In this presentation, we review current work on SET measurement including on-chip and off-chip techniques. We present test results for SET measurements using the SPA laser at the CNES, Toulouse and the TPA laser at NRL, Washington.
Results are presented for SETs in elementary transistors, logic gates as as for complex digital circuits
Adrian Evans
(IROC Technologies)
09/03/2017, 12:40
This presentation provides a snapshot of the AO8191 TRP activity which
involves the comprehensive radiative characterization of 6 components (4
SRAMs, 1 SoC and 1 FPGA) using heavy-ions, high- and low-energy protons and electrons.
The test setups and methodologies will be presented as well as initial
heavy-ion test results.
In one SRAM component, an unusual SEFI failure mode was identified...