(The Aerospace Corporation)
30/06/2013, 14:00
(The Aerospace Corporation)
30/06/2013, 14:30
(The Aerospace Corporation)
30/06/2013, 15:00
Sebastien Bourdarie
30/06/2013, 16:00
Ioannis Daglis
(National Observatory of Athens)
30/06/2013, 16:30
Sylvie Benck
(Center for Sapce Radiations / UCL)
01/07/2013, 09:00
Accurate measurements of electron and proton fluxes are required for studies of the physical processes that lead to variations of energetic particle spectra at a given position in space, but also for radiation environment modeling and space weather applications. Such measurements can be provided by the Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT) which presently measures energy spectra of electrons (0.5...
Mikhail Rashev
(Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
01/07/2013, 09:30
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal plasma distributions in the energy range from 20-400 keV for electrons, 40-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen, and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
We present data products which can be used in Radiation Belt study and the corresponding caveats.
Our data...
Alessandro Bruno
(INFN, Bari, Italy)
01/07/2013, 10:00
We present a precise measurement of the under-cutoff proton fluxes with kinetic energy > 63 MeV performed by the PAMELA mission at low Earth orbits (350-610 km). The analyzed proton sample was classified into four categories: stably-trapped protons from the inner radiation belt; quasi-trapped protons near the magnetic equator; short-lived un-trapped protons, spreading over all latitudes; and...
Daniel Heynderickx
(DH Consultancy BVBA)
01/07/2013, 10:30
Since the beginning of the space age, considerable effort was invested in building models of the trapped proton and electron populations, culminating in the NASA AP-8 and AE-8 models which have been the de facto standards since the seventies. In the intervening years, there have been several new models created, but none with the coverage in energy or space provided by these original models....
(The Aerospace Corporation)
01/07/2013, 11:30
AP-9, AE-9 International Collaboration
Ingmar Sandberg
01/07/2013, 14:30
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
The main characteristics and principles of the recently developed Slot Region Radiation Environment Models (SRREMs) are presented. The SRREMs are data-based statistical models that characterize the variability of trapped charged particle fluxes in the region between the inner and the outer electron radiation belts. The models are based on the analysis of a large volume of available data and on...
Yuri Shprits
(UCLA/ MIT/Skoltech)
01/07/2013, 15:00
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
Significant progress has been done in recent years in application of the data assimilation tools to the radiation belt research. Previous studies concentrated on the analysis of radial profiles of phase space density using multi-satellite measurements and radial transport models. In this study we present analysis of the 3D phase space density using the VERB-3D code blended with CRRES...
Stanislav Borisov
(Center for Space Radiations, Université catholique de Louvain)
01/07/2013, 15:30
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
The Proba-V satellite was launched on the 7th May 2013 onto a sun-synchronous circular low earth orbit at 820 km altitude and 98.7 deg. inclination. The Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT) onboard Proba-V was developed to provide real-time measurements of contamination-free energy spectra of electrons (0.5 – 10 MeV), protons (9 – 300 MeV), α-particles (38 – 1200 MeV) and heavier ions (up to 300...
Sebastien Bourdarie
01/07/2013, 16:30
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
The definition of regions or times when protons or electrons dominates particle measurements in the radiation belt is deduced from correlation analysis of available channels on the instrument under study. This deep analysis is applied to PROBA-1/SREM and INTEGRAL/SREM measurements in this paper but could be easily applied to any other measurements. First, in flight data will be presented as...
Daniel Heynderickx
(DH Consultancy BVBA)
01/07/2013, 17:00
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
Solar activity can trigger sporadic bursts of energetic particles in the solar wind and increase the number of high and low energy particles trapped inside the Earth's radiation belts. These cause damage to satellites and are a hazard for manned spaceflight and aviation. They are difficult to predict due to uncertainties over the basic physical processes, and the need to access reliable data...
01/07/2013, 17:30
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
Round table discussion on modelling, Engineering standards and the needs of Industry
David G. Sibeck
02/07/2013, 09:00
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The comprehensive particle and field coverage provided by the identical Van Allen Probe spacecraft will enable a revolution in our understanding of the processes that produce the Earth's radiation belts. This discussion addresses initial results from each of the investigations on the mission, demonstrating the wide variety of research now underway.
(The Aerospace Corporation)
02/07/2013, 09:20
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The electron content of inner radiation zone and slot region are two seldom studied regions of the magnetosphere because of lack of good access and the serious background conditions there. The backgrounds created by the high energy protons that exist in the inner radiation zone and extend into the slot region make it difficult to obtain good measurements of the electron distributions there....
Drew Turner
(University of California, Los Angeles)
02/07/2013, 10:00
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
In Earth's outer radiation belt, flux "dropout" events involve the sudden decrease of electron fluxes by up to several orders of magnitude in only a few hours, and the dominant mechanism responsible for dropouts is still debated. On 30 September 2012, a major dropout occurred throughout the entire outer radiation belt during the main phase of a strong geomagnetic storm. Here, we investigate...
Ioannis Daglis
(National Observatory of Athens)
02/07/2013, 10:20
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The Monitoring, Analyzing and Assessing Radiation Belt Loss and Energization (MAARBLE) project has two focussed and synergistic aims: to advance scientific research on radiation belt dynamics; and to enhance data exploitation of European space missions through the combined use of European and US spacecraft measurements and ground-based observations.
MAARBLE employs multi-spacecraft...
Ian Robert Mann
(Dept Physics, Univ Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
02/07/2013, 10:40
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves in the Pc4-5 band can be excited in the magnetosphere by the solar wind. Much recent work has shown how ULF wave power is strongly correlated with solar wind speed. However, little attention has been paid the dynamics of ULF wave power penetration onto low L-shells in the inner magnetosphere. We use more than a solar cycle of ULF wave data, derived from...
Vladimir Krasnoselskikh
02/07/2013, 11:30
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
For the modelling of the dynamics and evolution of the radiation belts, it is necessary to possess precise estimates of the lifetime of energetic particles and of the characteristic time of particle acceleration for different energies and pitch-angles in a wide range of L-shells. The lifetimes of electrons trapped in Earth’s radiation belts are supposed to be determined by a process of...
Louis Ozeke
(University of Alberta)
02/07/2013, 12:10
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
We present analytic expressions for ULF wave derived radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients, as a function of L and Kp, which can easily be incorporated into global radiation belt transport models. The diffusion coefficients are derived from statistical representations of ULF wave electric field power, mapped from ground-magnetometer data, and from in-situ characterisations of...
Georgios Balasis
(National Observatory of Athens)
02/07/2013, 12:30
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
We have found a specific time interval during the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm, when the Cluster and CHAMP spacecraft were in good local time (LT) conjunction, and have examined the Pc3 (22-100 mHz) and Pc4-5 (1-22 mHz) ULF wave activity using data from Cluster, CHAMP and the CARISMA magnetometer network. We provide evidence for the first simultaneous observation of a Pc3 ULF wave event in...
Ian Mann
(University of Alberta)
02/07/2013, 12:50
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
We will present an example of unusual long-lasting EMIC wave event from October 11, 2012 which occurred in the recovery of a moderate geomagnetic storm (with minimum Dst=-111 nT on October 9, 2012). The wave activity spanned the interval of almost 24 hours MLT and was detected at multiple CARISMA magnetometer stations. During the event, the Van Allen Probe B had a beautiful conjunction with...
Benjamin Grison
(Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR)
02/07/2013, 13:10
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
EMIC triggered emissions have been reported in the inner magnetosphere at the edge of the nightside plasmapause [Pickett et al., 2010]. The generation mechanism proposed by Omura et al. [2010] is very similar to the one of the whistler chorus emissions. Corresponding simulation results agree with observations and theory [Shoji et Omura, 2011]. The main characteristics of these emissions...
Dennis Papadopoulos
(University of Maryland)
03/07/2013, 09:00
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
After many decades of successful and frontier RB science fundamental physics questions remain either unresolved or the answers involve great uncertainty. Current experimental techniques that use mainly correlative spacecraft observations have difficulties in resolving questions such as:
What is the attenuation rate of Shear Alfven (SA) waves propagating towards the conjugates? Are there...
Richard Horne
(British Antarctic Survey)
03/07/2013, 09:40
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
Global models of the Van Allen radiation belts usually include resonant wave-particle interactions as a diffusion process, but there is a large uncertainty over the diffusion rates. Here we present a new diffusion matrix for whistler mode chorus waves that can be used in such models. Data from seven satellites are used to construct 3,536 power spectra for upper and lower band chorus for 1.5...
Nigel Meredith
(British Antarctic Survey)
03/07/2013, 10:00
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The origin of plasmaspheric hiss, the electromagnetic emission responsible for the gap between the inner and outer radiation belts, has been debated for over four decades. Recently a new theory proposed that chorus, which is excited in the equatorial region outside the plasmapause, can propagate to low altitudes on the dayside and evolve into plasmaspheric hiss. Here we combine data from six...
Ondrej Santolik
(IAP Prague & Charles University in Prague)
03/07/2013, 10:20
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
Whistler-mode waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere significantly contribute to wave-particle interactions at different scales. Especially, whistler-mode chorus has been shown to play an important role in the dynamics of the outer Van Allen radiation belt. These waves are generated by nonlinear wave-particle interactions occurring in the region close to the geomagnetic equator. They are...
Oleksiy Agapitov
03/07/2013, 10:40
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
ELF/VLF waves play a crucial role in the dynamics of the radiation belts, and are partly responsible for the main losses and the acceleration of energetic electrons. Modeling wave-particle interactions requires detailed information of wave amplitudes and wave-normal distribution over L-shells and over magnetic latitudes for different geomagnetic activity conditions. We performed a statistical...
O. Santolik
03/07/2013, 11:30
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The physics of the creation, loss, and transport of radiation belt particles is intimately connected to the electric and magnetic fields which mediate these processes. A large range of field and particle interactions are involved in this physics from large-scale ring current ion and magnetic field dynamics to microscopic kinetic interactions of whistler-mode chorus waves with energetic...
Harri Laakso
03/07/2013, 12:10
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The inner magnetosphere contains two plasma regimes, the plasmasphere and radiation belts, that are coupled to each other. The plasmasphere can support various wave modes that can cause either energization of radiation belt particles or their loss. In particular hiss emission is believed to provide a major loss mechanism of energetic particles Using in-situ multi-point observations from the...
Constantinos Papadimitriou
(Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, 15236 Penteli, Greece; Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece)
03/07/2013, 12:30
The CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload) satellite was a highly successful German Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mission that operated for more than ten years (2001 – 2010), providing high precision gravity and magnetic field measurements. Due to its almost circular and near-polar orbit it was able to achieve homogeneous and complete global coverage of the Earth's sphere, with orbit and...
Marina Georgiou
(National Observatory of Athens)
03/07/2013, 12:30
ULF waves with frequencies of a few millihertz have been associated with changes in the flux levels among relativistic electrons comprising the outer zone of the radiation belts. In particular, the fluxes of electrons with energies > 1 MeV in the outer radiation belt increase and decrease during geospace magnetic storms. For all storms studied by Reeves et al. [2003], only about half of them...
Theodoros Sarris
(Democritus University of Thrace)
03/07/2013, 12:30
In studies of particles' radial diffusion processes in the magnetosphere it is well known that Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) waves of frequency m*ω_d can resonantly interact with particles of drift frequency ω_d, where m is the azimuthal mode number of the waves; however due to difficulties in estimating m an over-simplifying assumption is often made in radial diffusion simulations, namely that...
Ivana Kolmasova
(IAP AS CR Prague)
03/07/2013, 12:30
The instrument ELMAVAN is being prepared at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague for the Russian Resonance project with international participation, currently scheduled to be launched in 2015. The aim of this four-spacecraft mission is to investigate properties of wave-particle interactions and plasma dynamics in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth with the focus on phenomena...
Daniel Heynderickx
(DH Consultancy BVBA)
03/07/2013, 12:30
Specification Models of the Radiation Belts: Radiation Environment Data Analyses/Validation
The Open Data Interface (ODI) is a database system for storing space environment data and metadata using an SQL server. The system is compliant with the SPASE data model. Data can be ingested from text files and CDF/ISTP/PRBEM files. Currently there are more than 100 datasets in the database such as IMP8/GME, SREM, XMM/ERMD, GOES particle and radiation data, and indices such as Dst, Kp, and...
Sebastien Bourdarie
03/07/2013, 12:30
Like in any data sets, wave intensity measurements are often affected by background issues. Due to the properties of chorus emissions, it is expected to have a stronger impact on lower and upper chorus band than on plasmasheric hiss or lightning whistlers emissions. In this study we have analysed background level for each wave band available in the ONERA database (DE1/PWI, CRRES/PWE,...
Sarah Glauert
(British Antarctic Survey)
03/07/2013, 12:30
The flux of relativistic electrons in the Earth's radiation belts is highly variable and can change by orders of magnitude on timescales of a few hours. Understanding the drivers for these changes is important as energetic electrons can damage satellites. Forecasting the high-energy electron flux in the radiation belts is a challenge that has been taken on by the FP7 project SPACECAST. The BAS...
Iannis Dandouras
(IRAP, CNRS / University of Toulouse)
03/07/2013, 12:30
Following the launch by NASA of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) twin spacecraft, now named the Van Allen Probes, the discovery of a storage ring was announced: Baker et al., Science, 2013. This transient feature was observed during September 2012, following the arrival of an interplanetary shock, was located between L=3.0 and L=3.5 and consisted of about 4 to 6 MeV electrons. During...
Georgios Anagnostopoulos
(Demokritos University of Thrace), Mr
Vassilios Vassiliadis
(Demokritos University of Thrace)
03/07/2013, 12:30
The radiation belt electron precipitation (RBEP) into the topside ionosphere is a phenomenon which is known for several decades. However, the radiation belt source and loss mechanisms have not still well understood, including PBEP. Here we present the results of a systematic study of RBEP observations, as obtained from the satellite DEMETER (Detection of Electromagnetic Emissions Transmitted...
Yuri Khotyaintsev
(Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden)
03/07/2013, 12:30
The MAARBLE (Monitoring, Analyzing and Assessing Radiation Belt Loss and Energization) project has two focused and synergistic aims: to advance scientific research on radiation belt dynamics; and to enhance data exploitation of European space missions through combined use of European and US spacecraft measurements and ground-based observations. As a part of the project we create an extended...
Ioannis A. Daglis
(University of Athens)
03/07/2013, 12:30
Focused on the exceptional 2003 Halloween geospace magnetic storm, when Dst reached a minimum of -383 nT, we examine data from topside ionosphere and two magnetospheric missions (CHAMP, Cluster, and Geotail) for signatures of ULF waves. We present the overall ULF wave activity through the six-day interval from 27 October to 1 November 2003 as observed by the three spacecraft and by the Andenes...
Iannis Dandouras
(IRAP, CNRS / University of Toulouse)
03/07/2013, 14:30
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
The Earth’s plasmasphere dominates the mass content of the inner magnetosphere and therefore plays an essential role in governing the radiation belt dynamics. The configuration of the plasmasphere is highly sensitive to geomagnetic disturbances. During extended periods of relatively quiet geomagnetic conditions the outer plasmasphere can become diffuse, with a gradual fall-off of plasma...
03/07/2013, 15:10
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
Wave particle interactions, which play a major role in electron radiation belts dynamics, are controlled by two main parameters: the characteristics of the wave (such as the wave type, its power spectrum and wave normal angle) and the characteristics of the ambient plasma. The purpose of this study is to assess how variations in the plasma density affect diffusion rates for chorus,...
Richard Horne
(British Antarctic Survey)
03/07/2013, 15:30
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics
Satellites can be damaged by high energy charged particles in the Earth’s radiation belts and during solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Here we review the growing reliance on satellite services, new vulnerabilities to space weather, and previous events that have led to loss of service. We describe a new European system to forecast the radiation belts up to 3 h ahead, which has three unique...
Umran Inan
(Stanford VLF Group)
Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Dynamics