Mikhail Rashev
(Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal plasma distributions in the energy range from 20-400 keV for electrons, 40-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen, and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
We present data products which can be used in Radiation Belt study and the corresponding caveats.
Our data products are such as: omni directional intensities, 3D particle distributions and pitch angle distributions.
In order to solve problems with RAPID/IES data contaminations we perform simulations with Geant4.
Geant4 calculations for RAPID/IES are presented as an example: input as ion/electron distribution, physics processes inside detectors, merging Geant4 to other codes.
Primary author
Elena Kronberg
(Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
Mikhail Rashev
(Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
Patrick Daly
(Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research)