Mar 27 – 28, 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Due to the very low participation and the Easter vacation period, this workshop has been postponed until a later date.

We will propose a new date shortly.


Second Announcement

How has the world changed in the past ten years, and ever since the introduction of the smartphone? Much of our data today resides in a cloud environment, making it easier to access anytime anywhere and anyplace. Ubiquity rules and convenience crosses all boarders and boundaries. The Internet has finally found a permanent place in our lives. Staying connected is everything.

This conference is about user experience. Applications that have been developed to make use of virtualized environments. From spacecraft design to data exploitation, much has been done in many space-related communities to move ahead with times. And there is yet much more to come. We will examine developments in areas like astrophysics, meteorology, high-energy physics, microbiology, virtual concurrent design facilities, spacecraft operations and gain insight on how virtualized environments are changing the way the job is carried out. How convenient it is to obtain information anytime we need it.

In the coming years, artificial intelligence will become a reality. As much of this information, readily available, will begin to be networked, building more complex information structures that will help us reveal more complex questions about the world around us.

Finally, we will go around the different groups in the Agency and talk about how our experts are putting together infrastructures in place to make the accessibility of information possible. We will talk about the different cloud services available and take a look at how in the future such services will evolve.

Please join us on 27-28 March in ESTEC for this two-day workshop. 

Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk, Netherlands