First released in 2012 and most recently updated in Version 1.55, the AE9/AP9-IRENE (International Radiation Environment Near Earth) model suite includes a standard plasma model (SPM), which extends the environmental specification from the traditional radiation energies of AE8/AP8 down to 1 keV for protons and electrons, while also adding helium and oxygen plasmas. As the IRENE suite evolves into version 2.0, the SPM will become more tightly integrated with the radiation models. This will necessitate addition of Monte Carlo capabilities and extension of the spatial domain to include the inner zone. Further, unlike the radiation belts, the plasmas have significant local time structure, and the current SPM does not represent that. Addressing all of these issues will require additional data sets and information that can best be provided by global plasma simulation models. In this talk, we will enumerate the planned data sets, and then identify the additional data and modeling needed to accomplish these upgrades.