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29–31 May 2019
Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

AE9/AP9-IRENE Radiation Environment Model: Future Development Plans and Needs

30 May 2019, 15:30
Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece

Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece

Χylokastro, Corinthia, Greece 20400


Dr Paul O'Brien (Aerospace Corporation)


First released in 2012 and most recently updated in Version 1.55, the AE9/AP9-IRENE (International Radiation Environment Near Earth) model suite provides the satellite design community with climatological specification of the near-Earth particle radiation environment for design and mission planning. The model is maintained with periodic releases improving both specification (via new or improved data sets) and capabilities (via new component models). Here we review planned future IRENE development and the desired contributions from the scientific/engineering community needed to enhance this development.

The forthcoming IRENE Version 2.0 will entail an architecture overhaul to modularize the component models. Existing component models may then support additional dimensions, e.g., local time dependence for plasma. As a result, component models will be independent in their coordinate systems, enabling use of the most appropriate system for a given hazard. The suite’s core functions will include seamless stitching of model results in space and energy as necessary for the user’s request. New modules will be supported with the first of these being one for untrapped solar protons and another with a historical sample solar cycle. Core functions also include appropriate merging of statistical results from component models to ensure accuracy of confidence limits for the hazard of interest. This maximizes utility of the kernels-based effects capability which in V2.0 will support user-defined kernels in addition to standard kernels for various effects hazards (e.g., dose, single event effects, and internal charging).

These intended upgrades depend on contributions from the community. We are working to include additional domestic and international data sets to address known areas of need in spatial and energy coverage. The sample solar cycle will be a fly-through option using a historical reanalysis, for which we have several candidates, enabling users to evaluate realistic dynamic hazards on short timescales not captured in the current model suite. Other areas where community models can support improvements are adding solar cycle variation in low altitude protons, adding correlations over particle species, and improving accuracy of altitude and pitch angle gradients where data coverage is sparse. Potential new modules in later versions include ones for auroral particles and plasma sheet particles. We will provide more details of our “wish list” for models and data sets needed for planned model improvements.

Primary author

Dr Paul O'Brien (Aerospace Corporation)

Presentation materials