Michael Hippke
(Gentleman Scientist)
20/06/2019, 10:00
Rob Swinney
(Initiative for Interstellar Studies)
20/06/2019, 10:20
Pontus Brandt
(The Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory)
20/06/2019, 10:40
Michael Waltemathe
(Ruhr Uni Bochum)
20/06/2019, 11:00
Philip Lubin
(UC Santa Barbara - Experimental Cosmology Group)
20/06/2019, 11:20
Andreas Hein
(Institute for Interstellar Studies)
20/06/2019, 14:00
Jeffrey Punske
(Southern Illinois University)
20/06/2019, 14:40
Elke Hemminger
(EVH Bochum)
20/06/2019, 15:00
Advanced Concepts Team
20/06/2019, 15:20
Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger
(Vienna University of Technology)
21/06/2019, 09:30
Theodore Hall
(University of Michigan)
21/06/2019, 09:50
Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
21/06/2019, 10:10
Marco Volponi
21/06/2019, 14:00
Javier Medina
(Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas - CSIC)
21/06/2019, 14:20