Talks - Day 1
- Michael Clormann (Technical University of Munich)
- Xanthi Oikonomidou (European Space Agency)
- Vitali Braun (IMS Space Consultancy GmbH)
Over the past six decades, the near Earth environment of space has changed dramatically, from one traversed only by naturally occurring meteoroids and micrometeoroids (MM s), to one that is populated by thousands of artificial satellites dedicated to communications, navigation and the collection of Earth observation and astronomical data. Although around 1,200 operational satellites...
SOLar panel based Impact Detector (SOLID) is a DLR in-house developed method that can be used to provide in-situ measurement data regarding objects in space in the range >100 µm up to several cm. SOLID makes use of already existing solar panels of a satellite for impact detection and can be utilized on different spacecraft in different orbits. Until now, a prototype of SOLID solar panel was...
The Austrian Space Forum, in cooperation with SPIRE Inc and FINDUS Venture Inc., is developing ADLER-1, a 3U cubesat to be flown in late 2021 to measure small space debris particles at ca 500 km altitude. Two instruments are implemented: Firstly, APID (Austrian Particle Impact Detector), a deployable piezoelectric detector array, able to measure particles in the range of down to ca 10...
Since the beginning of the space age in 1957, numerous artificial objects have accumulated in orbits around the Earth. While a portion of the defunct objects are large enough to be tracked by surveillance networks, the vast majority is non-trackable debris. Within the past decades, several models have been developed, aiming at modelling the ever-changing space debris and meteoroid environment....
The measurement requirements of ESA's Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S) include sub-mm particle measurements in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) as well as Geostationary Orbit. The currently ongoing small satellite study for D3S is looking at the opportunity to host a micro-particle instrument in the few kg range to address this requirement for LEO. An overview of the D3S measurement...
Being situated in low Earth orbit, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is susceptible to higher orbit artificial satellites and space debris crossing its field of view. We use Google's AutoML Vision object detection algorithm based on deep learning and trained on volunteers' classifications from the Hubble Asteroid Hunter citizen science project ([][1]) to identify...
MASTER is based on a validated debris population. The process of generating the population is complex. It is a combination of statistical and deterministic methods. The debris release events are described using statistical methods. The orbital distribution is calculated semi-analytically. The distribution of the space debris varies significantly between different orbits. Selected examples are...
The newest version of NASA’s Orbital Debris Engineering Model, ORDEM 3.1, incorporates the latest and highest fidelity datasets available to build and validate representative orbital debris populations encompassing low Earth orbit (LEO) to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) altitudes for the years 2016-2050. Observational datasets used for building model populations include those from the U.S. Space...