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0g applicability of TANKPSB, a tool for estimation of cryogenic tank pressure, stratification & slosh impact

19 May 2022, 15:00
Dj107 (ESTEC and Teams)


ESTEC and Teams


Dr Jörg Klatte (Ariane Group, JTLF2 Liquid Propulsion)


The tank pressure prediction is key for design of propulsion & GNC system, tank design, ground & mission & its 0g phases, but for its prediction several physical systems & disciplines needs to be strongly coupled.
The in-house tool TankPSB (Pressure, Stratification & Budget) estimates, with lower-cost & computational time, the thermal stratification in liquid, gas & wall, pressurization mass fluxes, tank pressure, mass budgets and fill level in a cryogenic tank, considering heat and mass conservation within fine stratification layers, for preselection of cost-intensive 3-d computation, parametric studies or the layout of complex test sequences.
The applicability of TankPSB for reduced gravity missions is discussed. Current model implementations for capillary dominated regimes is presented. Status & needs for implementation of boiling and cavitation effects for 0g application is outlined.

Keywords Cryogenic, Tank, Stratification, Sloshing, Phase Change, Budgets

Primary author

Dr Jörg Klatte (Ariane Group, JTLF2 Liquid Propulsion)

Presentation materials

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