The tank pressure prediction is key for design of propulsion & GNC system, tank design, ground & mission & its 0g phases, but for its prediction several physical systems & disciplines needs to be strongly coupled.
The in-house tool TankPSB (Pressure, Stratification & Budget) estimates, with lower-cost & computational time, the thermal stratification in liquid, gas & wall, pressurization mass fluxes, tank pressure, mass budgets and fill level in a cryogenic tank, considering heat and mass conservation within fine stratification layers, for preselection of cost-intensive 3-d computation, parametric studies or the layout of complex test sequences.
The applicability of TankPSB for reduced gravity missions is discussed. Current model implementations for capillary dominated regimes is presented. Status & needs for implementation of boiling and cavitation effects for 0g application is outlined.
Keywords | Cryogenic, Tank, Stratification, Sloshing, Phase Change, Budgets |