indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 10th Decmeber. It may be unavailable all day.

14 February 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
The SAVOIR mass memory day workshop shall focus on protocols and SW services in relation to file based operations. The CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) is foreseen implemented in upcoming missions such as e.g. Euclid, hence the workshop aims to share experiences and recommendations as well gather inputs both from agency and industry. Invited speakers will give an overview on relevant protocols, standards for onboard services and give and overview implementation status in relation file-based mass memories. A round table will held to discuss the topics related to SSMM lessons learned in relation to operations, pros and cons between packet store vs. file based mass memories, and file systems considerations. Registration through the web site is now closed. Please e-mail us for any last minute requests.
Newton 2
ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk ZH, Netherlands
Venue: European Space Technology Center (ESTEC), Noordwijk ZH, NL
Meeting room: Newton 2 

* Please register at the ESTEC Gate house in due time before the workshop starts.