SAVOIR - Onboard Mass Memory Day

Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2


ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk ZH, Netherlands
Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division), Jørgen Ilstad (ESA/ESTEC)
The SAVOIR mass memory day workshop shall focus on protocols and SW services in relation to file based operations. The CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) is foreseen implemented in upcoming missions such as e.g. Euclid, hence the workshop aims to share experiences and recommendations as well gather inputs both from agency and industry. Invited speakers will give an overview on relevant protocols, standards for onboard services and give and overview implementation status in relation file-based mass memories. A round table will held to discuss the topics related to SSMM lessons learned in relation to operations, pros and cons between packet store vs. file based mass memories, and file systems considerations. Registration through the web site is now closed. Please e-mail us for any last minute requests.
  • Alan Senior
  • Alberto Valverde
  • Andrea Viciani
  • Antonio Tramutola
  • ARBERET Paul
  • Arnaud Bourdoux
  • Carlos Urbina Ortega
  • Certain Antoine
  • Charles Cramer
  • Charnet Yoann
  • Chris Taylor
  • Christian Edoardo Tempera
  • Christian POULIQUEN
  • Christophe HONVAULT
  • David McLaren
  • Diego Martel Marcos
  • Elias Hashem
  • Elsa Montagnon
  • Fabio Gerace
  • Francesco Antonacchio
  • Francisco Perán Mazón
  • Franck Koebel
  • Giacomo Colombo
  • Gianluca Furano
  • giorgio magistrati
  • Giovanni Tuccio
  • Guido Rosani
  • Ignacio Herrera Alzu
  • James Windsor
  • Jean-François Soucaille
  • Joerg Mueller
  • Jorgen Ilstad
  • Karl Voegele
  • Kathleen Gerlo
  • Kostas Marinis
  • Luc Planche
  • Marek Prochazka
  • Mario Merri
  • Matthew Rowlings
  • Matthias Zingler
  • Nico Fleurinck
  • Orion AZZIS
  • Pascal Eng
  • Pasquale Lombardi
  • Patrick Le Meur
  • Paul Parisis
  • Peter Matthijs
  • Quirien Wijnands
  • Sante Candia
  • Serge VALERA
  • Sergey Gorbunov
  • Sjaak Koot
  • Stuart Fowell
  • Stuart Mills
  • Tim Hoffmann
  • Timothy Pike
  • Torbjörn Hult
    • Registration

      Participant registration at ESTEC gate house

    • Session 1: Ground and Space Segment Requirements for file based operations
      • 1
        Introduction and Welcoming
        Speaker: Mr Jørgen Ilstad (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 2
        ADCSS 2012 conclusions and SAVOIR mass memory requirements
        Present the overall conclusions from the ADCSS 2012 Mass Memory Workshop and introduce SAVOIR requirements.
        Speaker: Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 3
        File-based operations from the ESA perspective
        This talk presents the conclusions of the ESA working group tasked to define an operational concept for file-based operations as well as the impact of this concept on existing standards and infrastructure. The talk will give an overview of the main expected benefits of the use of a file based operational concept, an overview of the evolution it requires on ground and space segments and propose a roadmap for its implementation.
        Speaker: Ms Elsa Montagnon (ESOC)
      • 4
        CNES background, needs and views on file-based ops and protocols
        The presentation will be organized in three parts : -a) The File management and file transfer CNES overview analysis (C.Pouliquen) Abstract: a short introduction on past and present CNES conducted studies on files usage. The position of available standards related to files. The OPS concept associated to Files transfer and Management for the CNES LEO missions. A proposal for open points which must be worked out and could be harmonized. -b) CNES Mass Memory Units development Overview. (P. Le Meur) Abstract: Status on the present CNES Mass Memory units developments for Micro Satellites and big Earth Observation Satellites -c) Files in Space: Management & Transfer (B. Dellandrea). Abstract: The presentation will present the results of the last CNES R&T study conducted by TAS and AIRBUS DS on File management and File transfer.
        Speakers: Mr Brice Dellandrea (Thales Alenia Space), Mr Christian POULIQUEN (CNES), Mr Patrick Le Meur (CNES), Mr Paul ARBERET (CNES)
    • 10:15
      Coffee Break
    • Session 1: continued - Ground and Space Segment Requirements for file based operations
      • 5
        Euclid Operational Considerations and Ground Segment Infrastructure
        Euclid as a "prototype" for future use of CFDP in ESA missions will have an impact on the evolution of the generic ground segment infrastructure. The generic mission control system products and the ground station infrastructure (ESTRACK) should be updated to provide support for file-based operations and CFDP file transfer. In particular, there may be a need to implement CFDP entities in the ground stations because of increasing TM data rates, which are not supported or very expensive to achieve on the terrestrial links. However, such changes in the infrastructure should be implemented in a way that does not affect missions not using CFDP while at the same time taking future mission requirements into account. Changes to existing systems should be minimized and standard interfaces should be maintained as far as possible. The presentation will introduce the Euclid requirements for ground segment CFDP and present concepts for CFDP support in the mission control system infrastructure and for the implementation of CFDP in ground stations.
        Speakers: Mr Felix Flentge, Mr Franck Keck
      • 6
        EUCLID: Data Handling Architecture and CFDP Tailoring
        Euclid satellite shall provide storage capability up to 850Gbits per day of scientific data acquired from NISP and VIS instruments. As a consequence, taking into account autonomy requirements, a Mass Memory Unit with storage capacity of 4Tbits has been specified. TM data are stored in files, thus MMU implements a file system structured in two levels of directories. The MMU has also the capability to downlink files to ground station via CFDP protocol through direct K band link. File uplink is possible through CDMU via Xband using CFDP as well. Communication between CDMU and MMU has been specified via MIL-STD-1553B bus to exchange files data and in general TC and TM. This peculiar implementation of on-board data management and ground communication has required a tailoring of the standard CCSDS CFDP protocol.
        Speaker: Mr Antonio Tramutola (Thales Alenia Space)
    • Session 2: Protocols and Onboard Services
      • 7
        Intro Session 2
        Speaker: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 8
        CFDP standard updates and SOIS file and packet store services
        The CCSDS file transfer standard – CFDP and the CCSDS file and packet store Standard were developed specifically to support mission requiring file based operations. CFDP is now a well-accepted file transfer standard in wide usage by many missions. As part of the normal review cycle of CCSDS recommendations CFDP is now under update, firstly to remove features that are better supported by new protocols and secondly to add features requested as a result of operational experience. The CCSDS file and packet store standard defines a set of file and packet store services typically required when using an onboard mass memory. This presentation will identify the changes presently being made to the CFDP and highlight the services specified for mass memory management
        Speaker: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 9
        PUS standard updates - file services
        The ECSS WG responsible for producing the draft of the ECSS-E-ST-70-41C Telemetry and Telecommand Packet Utilisation standard is currently finalising the draft for public review. This presentation, tailored for this SAVOIR event, presents: the file related capabilities introduced in this new version of the Standard, and the status of the on-going WG assessment related to retaining in PUS C the large data transfer service (i.e. PUS A Service 13) or implementing a simplified version of that service, i.e. a large packet transfer service. The SAVOIR feedback related to this presentation will be considered by the ECSS WG to finalise the draft for public review.
        Speaker: Mr Serge Valera (ESA/ESTEC)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Session 3: File Based Mass Memories - Developments and Lessons Learned
      • 10
        Intro Session 3
      • 11
        CFDP Reference and Test Facility
        As part of the ASIV project under TERMA, SCISYS has developed and delivered to ESA a CFDP Reference and Test Facility (CRTF), based around the ESOC Java implementation of CFDP. The the talk will give an overview of the functionality and the intended use of the CFDP Reference Test Facility (CRTF)
        Speaker: Mr Stuart Fowell (SCISYS)
      • 12
        CFDP simulator demo
        The ESTEC JAVA based CFDP simulator will be presented in a short demo showing how to CFDP transactions can be configured to simulate various scenarios such as transmissions delays or number of files open during a communication session.
        Speaker: Mr Alberto Valverde Carretero (ESA)
      • 13
        EucliDem - Demonstrator of the Euclid Mission File Management Service (FMS) and CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)
        Euclid satellite shall provide storage capability up to 850Gbits per day of scientific data acquired from NISP and VIS instruments. As a consequence, taking into account autonomy requirements, a Mass Memory Unit with storage capacity of 4Tbits has been specified. This talk is the second part of the Thales Alenia CFDP demonstrator implementation, a demonstrator of CFDP protocol that has been implemented to evaluate performances of the specified tailoring given in session 1 that are relevant to the EUCLID mission . The presentation will show an overview of the key elements of CFDP tailoring and how these are mapped to the design of the CFDP Demonstrator.
        Speaker: Mr Sante Candia (Thales Alenia Space)
      • 14
        HW/SW architecture implications in relation to CFDP and file system operation
        For several years now, Airbus Defense and Space (ex Astrium) has been working on SSMM architectures supporting file systems and transfer protocols. CFDP is the leading candidate for supporting reliable file transfers over unreliable communication links e.g. for deep space missions and EO Satellites using Ka-Band systems. This presentation discusses the implications of using file systems and CFDP in SSMM architectures and the resulting consequences for HW/SW partitioning.
        Speakers: Mr Tim Pike (Airbus Defence and Space), Mr Yoann Charnet (Airbus Defence and Space)
    • 15:20
      Short Break
    • Round table
      • 15
        Lessons Learned on SSMM ops
        Speaker: Ms Elsa Montagnon (ESOC)
      • 16
        File systems considerations for onboard SSMM
        Speakers: Mr Christophe HONVAULT (ESA), Mr Felice Torelli (ESA)
      • 17
        File based vs. Packet Store Mass Memories
        Speaker: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 18
        Ongoing and Planned Technology Activities
        Speakers: Mr Christophe HONVAULT (ESA), Mr Jørgen Ilstad (ESA/ESTEC)
    • 19
      Speakers: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Jørgen Ilstad (ESA/ESTEC)