14 February 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CNES background, needs and views on file-based ops and protocols

14 Feb 2014, 09:45
Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2


ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk ZH, Netherlands


Mr Brice Dellandrea (Thales Alenia Space)Mr Christian POULIQUEN (CNES)Mr Patrick Le Meur (CNES)Mr Paul ARBERET (CNES)


The presentation will be organized in three parts : -a) The File management and file transfer CNES overview analysis (C.Pouliquen) Abstract: a short introduction on past and present CNES conducted studies on files usage. The position of available standards related to files. The OPS concept associated to Files transfer and Management for the CNES LEO missions. A proposal for open points which must be worked out and could be harmonized. -b) CNES Mass Memory Units development Overview. (P. Le Meur) Abstract: Status on the present CNES Mass Memory units developments for Micro Satellites and big Earth Observation Satellites -c) Files in Space: Management & Transfer (B. Dellandrea). Abstract: The presentation will present the results of the last CNES R&T study conducted by TAS and AIRBUS DS on File management and File transfer.

Primary authors

Mr Brice Dellandrea (Thales Alenia Space) Mr Christian POULIQUEN (CNES) Mr Paul ARBERET (CNES)

Presentation materials